HPAPI Containment: 8th MarketsandMarkets Conference.

hpapi Milan conference
hpapi Milan conference

CSV Containment is attending the conference in Milan to bring its experience on HPAPI Containment and enrich its knowledge thanks to formative meetings.

The continuous growth of the cancer drug market and the progress of HPAPI production technologies are two challenges that the HPAPI Containment sector cannot simply sit and watch. Therefore, CSV Containment is always willing to participate in events regarding Highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as the conference in Milan from the 24th to the 26th of May. Meetings, training, and a chance to offer our solutions to the more and more increasing requests for quality services and products dedicated to those working in this field.

From the data we can gather in the marketplace, there is a growing demand for experienced service providers who can handle HPAPIs to enable operators to work safely with these drug substances.

Oncology represents a key area for the entire industry and is a driver for the pharmaceutical world with a focus on research. Many oncology drugs use highly active APIs (i.e., HPAPIs), and more and more manufacturing sites globally are processing HPAPIs as a result. All this requires the rapid development of new solutions to set up or adapt dedicated environments to handle these substances.

What solutions can CSV Containment offer for working with HPAPI products?

It is crucial to ensure the safety of the operators and the environment and data on product toxicity do not always show which the best way to handle them is. So, it takes the expertise and experience of containment professionals to solve the problem, a field in which CSV Containment has been competing for years. In fact, over the years, our teams have developed rigid and flexible containment solutions that can address different safety needs with quality and reliability, compared to traditional personal protective equipment. Handling high-powered products is not a practice to be underestimated, whether in production or testing in pilot plants.

CSV Containment’s glove boxes and glove bags is being the focus of many stakeholders during the three-day event in Milan. Exclusive solutions are also being presented with a focus on the “tailor-made” products able to be managed from different points of view, always following the needs of customers, but with strong advice from years of experience. Thanks to our proprietary solutions, high levels of containment are achieved, able to meet the required regulations, but above all, able to offer ever-increasing protection.

CSV Containment provides tailor-made solutions for pharmaceutical and fine chemical sectors in terms of containment. For more info: containment@csv-ls.com


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