Valve Cleaning Skid made by Csv Containment


The new PS 50 ChargePoint Split Valve Cleaning Station.

We are always concerned about how to carry out a containment operation, but when the operation is completed, what do we need to take care to ensure all systems safe, like the valve cleaning?

In addition to cleaning the containment systems, rigid or flexible, it is also necessary to think about accessory and non-disposable tools such as valves, for example, and their safe maintenance. This is why Csv Containment has developed a station dedicated to PS 50 ChargePoint split valve cleaning, easy to use and able to operate in total safety.

How does it work?

The skid has an active valve to which the dirty passive valve can be coupled with its connected container (charge bag or bottle). After joining the two parts and safely opening the valve lens, the pneumatic vertical movement of the two spray-balls system mounted above is exploited, obtaining an effective and rapid cleaning of the object.

Semi-automatic and fully automatic versions are available.

Render of split valve cleaning station
Cleaning Valve Skid render

The experience gained over the years by CSV Containment in the construction of flexible isolators and rigid stations has allowed it to use this combination to develop innovative and safe solutions at the service of the Containment world.


CSV Containment is present in the pharmaceutical market and is focused on providing engineering, construction and validation solutions for the LifeScience world. For more


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