Drum Iris Vacuum Transfer Station


Vacuum Transfer by Drum Iris Technology

This Vacuum Transfer station is designed to help operators safely transfer materials out of drums. The pneumatic lifter allows inverting drums to remove the contents with few operator interaction. The hopper geometry on the bottom is studied to let the powder flow down to the suitable rotary valve. By this easy to use Iris Drum Transfer skid, safety, containment, and productivity make the difference.

Drum Iris Vacuum Transfer Station is:

  • Made of one single chamber station equipped with a double iris drum pass box and to be integrated with a tip-up sliding system
  • Movable
  • Telescopic version avalaible
  • Based on Drum Iris Technology using a double iris pass box as contained drum interface
  • Fully Automatic; operator has to position the drum on the tipper and just wait for it into the chamber, to operate via gloves
  • A side grooved canister is used as waste bag out device
  • ATEX, fully pneumatic
  • Negative pressure by Venturi device
  • N2 injection
  • As optional a negative pressure cascade is obtained connecting  the main chamber and the double iris drum pass box interface
  • Hopper equipped with grid and rotary valve 
  • ATEX movable Lifter, pneumatically actuated and self-standing


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