CSV Containment is proud to present its new Drum Reactor Charging DRC XS!
Drum Reactor Charging DRC XS is:
- Made of one single equipment that is the merge of the drum sliding lifter and the charging station, equipped with a double iris drum pass box
- Movable
- Telescopic version avalaible
- Based on Drum Iris Technology using a double iris pass box as contained drum interface
- Two sides operations (the free side grooved glove flanges can be used as waste bag out) feature make DRC XS universal and operable in small space thanks to its small size
- N2 injection available
- As optional a negative pressure cascade is available between the main chamber and the double iris drum pass box interface
- Charging point can be provided with a split valve or a drain point (for decontamination/cleaning purpose);
- ATEX Lifter is pneumatically actuated and self-standing.
- Connection to the manway adapter by a clamp flexible sleave
CSV Containment is present in the pharmaceutical market and is focused on providing engineering, construction and validation solutions for the LifeScience world. For more information:containment@csv-ls.com